MES Module Quality Assurance (QA)
Our module Quality Assurance (QA) ensures a complete documentation of inspection orders – paperless and traceable at any time at the push of a button. Your benefits: Freely configurable inspection characteristics, digital documentation, continuous transparency or reducing expenditure of time.
The Most Important Functions at a Glance
- Freely configurable definition of the inspection plan type
- Configuration of different inspection orders, e.g. allow manual inspection points, skip inspection points, external creation of inspection orders
- Creating and editing inspection plans including a configurable status profile for state transitions and assignment of rights
- Detailed definition of test characteristics including specification of test equipment, determination of boundary types, limits to be complied with and requests for action
- Defining different triggers, e.g. time-based or with regard to the production order
Benefits for Your Corporate Success
- Easy integration in FASTEC 4 PRO and therefore no additional IT interface
- Orders can be triggered automatically based on MDA/PDA data; integration of MDA data, especially process messages, into the inspection order is possible
- Freely configurable inspection characteristics and inspection plan types as well as presetting of binding inspection points
- Continuous transparency throughout the plant, changes and release of inspection orders
- Inspection orders open interactively, e.g. when the machine is being cleaned
- Reducing expenditure of time by eliminating manual protocols
- Reducing potential sources of error through eliminating transmission errors
Quality Assurance Module (QA)
- Management of test plans
- Live trigger from MDA/PDA
- Automatic creation of test orders
- Digital checklists and forms
- Binding of peripheral devices
- Proactive information management
- Statistical process control (SPC)
Production Planning Module (PP)
- Master data management
- Article management
- Routings and bills of materials
- Production variants and versions
- Gantt chart with drag & drop function
- Scenarios and analyses
- Demand handling
- Digital planning board
- Preplanning
- Planning groups
- Setup rules
- Personnel availability planning
- Equipment availability planning
- Material availability planning
- Semaphores
- Joins
- Semi-automatic planning
- Fully automatic planning
Traceability Module (TRC)
- Acquisition of components used
- Acquisition of process values
- Assembly management
- Process locking
- Serial numbers and batch management
- Label printing
- Reports for traceability
Additional Functions
- Management of production warehouses
Maintenance Module (M)
- Resource management
- Maintenance plan management
- Live trigger from MDA/PDA
- Automatic creation of maintenance orders
- Digital forms
- Proactive information management
- Personnel deployment and requirements planning
- Alerts
- Request and task management
- Autonomous maintenance
Machine Data Acquisition Module (MDA)
- Recording of machine conditions, performance and quality
- Convenient reporting:
- differentiation of rejects
- performance analysis
- setup time report
- states reports
- Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE)
- Resource Log
Additional Functions
- KPI Configurator
- Process data acquisition
- Process messages
- Data archiving
- Setup rules
Production Data Aquisition Module (PDA)
- Production order management
- Routings
- Bill of material
- Various order types
- Acquisition of quantities and times
- Staff time recording
- Formula management (DNC/EDS)
- Document display
- ERP bookings
- Automatic order start
- Equipment data acquisition
Basic Module
- Audit trail
- Basic/Master data management
- User/rights management
- Multilingualism
- Report Designer
- Template Designer
Additional Functions
- Test system
- Alerts
- OPC UA Server
- ERP interface
- Cloud/BI-Connector
- Online monitoring
- Machine connection
- Classifications
- Mobile Client
- View Client
- Office Client
Fair and Flexible – You Only Buy and Pay for What You Really Need
Our seven modules are complemented by twelve additional functions and many functionalities. This allows you to select the software components you need and you can focus on digitalizing your production step by step. We will be pleased to advise you!
Handwritten Inspection in Production
Automated/FASTEC 4 PRO
Module Quality Assurance (QA): In Detail
A paperless factory is still out of reach in some places – a mixture of Excel spreadsheets and Word documents that have to be filled out by hand is still the norm. This applies to numerous production companies – irrespective of industry and size. In addition, machine operators themselves have to ensure that the inspection intervals are adhered to and make decisions about the quality of the produced goods (“okay”/”not okay”). Apart from the use of resources and the time expended, a constant potential for error therefore accompanies data acquisition – from complying with inspection intervals to precise logging and evaluation. FASTEC offers an attractive answer to the complex issues named above: The newly developed quality module is paperless, precise and highly configurable. In combination with the module Production Data Acquisition (PDA) your digital order documentation gets off to a good start. Following a holistic and consistent approach, the first version of the new module already offers significantly more functions than many common SPC tools. While SPC is primarily concerned with the manual acquisition of variable and attributive characteristics, the quality module offers a number of additional functions, such as the digitization of set-up checklists.
Different characteristics defined in an inspection plan can be checked at self-defined intervals. In addition, process and quality checks can be partially automated and carried out without the machine operators. This is possible, for example, when checking the Lot codes using a stationary scanner. The range of possible inspection point creations meets all requirements: Automated triggers for digital monitoring, for instance of time, working operation, quantity and condition, ensure consistent quality controls and increase transparency in production. In combination with the creation of individual inspection plans to define step sequences, variable and attributive and comparative characteristics as well as extensive options for text and numerical entry, the paperless factory is noticeably and profitably within reach.
The digitalized and automated order documentation not only eliminates manual transmission orders, it also saves you time. The machine operator can focus on his actual work. Furthermore, the quality module shows its advantages in audits: At the push of a button and without taking a long time searching in folders, the relevant documentation can be consistently reviewed.

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