FASTEC 4 PRO Supports the Production of Injection and Infusion Systems
Successful ON-SITE at Ypsomed in Switzerland
How are injection and infusion systems produced and what role does our FASTEC 4 PRO digital data acquisition software play?

ON-SITE: Chocolate Production with FASTEC 4 PRO
The FASTEC ON-SITE event at Weinrich Schokolade offered exclusive insights into data acquisition and reporting
Among other things, we had chocolate straight from the production line. All participants were given an authentic insight into working with our software.

FASTEC 4 YOU Network Meeting: Experience Production Live
Our host MEDICE gave extensive insights into the daily work with FASTEC 4 PRO
Best practice and plenty of exchange: The second network meeting of the FASTEC 4 YOU user network once again offered participants many opportunities to learn from each other.

Promoting Young STEM Talents at FASTEC
Just do it!
Promoting up-and-coming talents and providing career guidance is an important task for schools, universities and companies. That is why we at FASTEC regularly organize events with partner schools and our cooperation partner FHDW.

Promoting Young Talent – The Excursion for the 9th Grade at FASTEC
We were there!
Ninth-grade students gained insights into STEM careers at local companies as part of a digital event.

Girl’s Day 2022
We’ve done it again!
We are very happy about the visit and the day we spent together!

Digital Excursion – IT Talent Development at FASTEC
We support you in your professional orientation.
150 pupils from Paderborn were given the opportunity to get to know regional IT companies and their fields of activity, products and the associated IT professions. We were there and experienced interested pupils.

Girls’Day 2021 at FASTEC
The schoolgirls gained exciting insights into the IT industry.
FASTEC welcomed nine schoolgirls from the Friedrich-Spee-Gesamtschule on 22.04.2021. Girls’Day was a complete success for both the girls and the FASTEC employees.